Research Area 1: Materials
- RA1 Monthly MS Teams Meeting (04/06/2021)
- RA1 MS Teams Monthly Team Telecom (3/2/2021)
- RA1 Monthly MS Teams Meeting (2/2/2021)
- RA1 Monthly MS Teams Meeting (11/30/2020)
- RA1 Monthly MS Teams Meeting (10/9/2020)
Research Area 2: Devices and Integration
- RA2 Monthly MS Teams Meeting (04/13/2021)
- RA2 MS Teams Monthly Team Telecom (3/9/2021)
- RA2 Monthly MS Teams Meeting (2/9/2021)
- RA2 Monthly MS Teams Meeting (12/10/2020)
- RA2 Monthly MS Teams Meeting (10/8/2020)
Research Area 3: Survivability and Response
- RA3 Monthly MS Teams Meeting (04/15/2021)
- RA3 Monthly MS Teams Meeting (3/18/2021)
- RA3 Monthly MS Teams Meeting (2/18/2021)
- RA3 Monthly MS Teams Meeting (12/8/2020)
- RA3 Monthly MS Teams Meeting (10/23/2020)
Cross Cutting Research Initiatives (CCRI)
- CCRI Monthly MS Teams Meeting (04/29/2021)
- CCRI Monthly MS Teams Meeting (1/28/2021)
- CCRI Monthly MS Teams Meeting (10/30/2020)
Workforce Development and Student Sandbox
- WFD and Student Pipeline MS Teams Meeting (04/08/2021)
- WFD MS Teams Monthly Team Telecom (3/11/2021)
- WFD and Student Pipeline MS Teams Meeting (2/11/2021)
Guest Seminar Speakers
- Guest Speaker Kelly Schutt MS Teams Meeting (3/30/2021)
- Guest Speaker Rob Goldston MS Teams Meeting (2/3/2021)
- Guest Speaker Michael McLain MS Teams Meeting (11/30/2021)